Monday, November 12, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Relief

A few days ago, one of our listeners, Danielle Furegno, contacted us on the Radio 96.1 Facebook page and asked if we could help promote a Hurricane Sandy relief effort, which we did.

I stopped by with my family on Saturday evening and dropped off a couple of boxes of clothing - the donations she and her friends had collected were being sent to a charity in Tom's River, New Jersey to be distributed to victims of the hurricane.

These were young people, putting together an event by themselves on short notice because they wanted to do something to help.  It was simple - the clubhouse at an apartment complex on the Raleigh-Garner border was the dropoff - but they had a musician strumming a guitar, food donated by local restaurants, and had done research to decide which was the best charity to handle the donations.

So a big Radio 96.1 kudos to Danielle and her group for taking action when it's so much easier to sit by idly.

Stay tuned for a Hurricane Sandy Relief benefit at Napper Tandy's this Saturday, November 17th. Radio 96.1 will be there...

Radio 96.1

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