Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's a lung transplant??

A few months ago, I got an e-mail from Harry Collins regarding the Lung Transplant Foundation Golf Tournament in Durham.  Would Radio 96.1 be interested in being a part of this year's event?

Truth be told, I only recently learned that a lung transplant is even possible, and for good reason -  it's a relatively new procedure used for illnesses such as COPD and Cystic Fibrosis.  Harry, who is on the Board of Directors of the Lung Transplant Foundation, was himself diagnosed with COPD and underwent a lung transplant at Duke in 2010.

The good news?  Many people receiving lung transplants are returning to active lives quickly after the procedure.  The bad news?  Long term prognosis so far is discouraging.  Funds are needed for research and medical advancements.

I'm proud to be playing in and hosting the Lung Transplant Foundation Golf Tournament on June 10th at Duke University Golf Club to raise funds for this very worthy cause.

Will you join me?

Radio 96.1

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