Friday, May 25, 2012

Why the 80's is the greatest decade

As we're about to kick off our Randomly 80's Weekend on Radio 96.1, I'm waxing nostalgic.

Or, as some younger than me might say, sounding like an old fart.

I know, every generation thinks the time they grew up was the best time ever....and in 1980 I was in 2nd grade,  while graduating middle school by 1989.  So these were undoubtedly my formative years.  But let's be honest:

"Breakfast Club", "Pretty In Pink", "Ferris Bueller", "Sixteen Candles" and "Back To The Future" vs. "American Pie" and "Clueless" (and I liked the latter two, but c'mon.)

We made mix tapes, played with Rubik's Cubes, watched MTV when it played videos, and took brightly colored fashion and ripped jeans very seriously.

Technology has certainly made our world a different place.  Do I prefer having a cellphone than not? Yes.  Do I like having Facebook? Usually.  Would I rather have cassettes than an ipod?  No chance - but I do miss vinyl.

But I guarantee the Randomly 80's Weekend will bring back a LOT of memories...hopefully good ones like mine!

Radio 96.1

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