Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meatloaf Preview

Here's the thing about Meatloaf -

You have to see him.

You may not be the biggest Meatloaf fan in the world.  Maybe your one connection to Meatloaf is memories of drunkenly singing along to "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" at a dive bar when you were in college.

That was my only connection when I saw him in concert for the first time in the mid-90s...but I went because I heard about the live show.

Some artists translate much better in concert than on the album, and Meatloaf is simply one of those guys.  Why?

Because he leaves everything on stage.

If your idea of a good concert is seeing the artist stand there and play the songs exactly like they sound on the album, then Loaf is not your man.

If, on the other hand, your idea of getting your money's worth is seeing the artist tear through the setlist with reckless abandon and fury, drenched in sweat, pumped up and involving the audience like he's doing it for the first time...well, then Meatloaf is your show.

Meatloaf, like many artists of his era, turns 65 this year.  While that doesn't mean he'll stop touring any day now, there is a point where you have to say, "I need to see one of rock's great artists tear up the stage when he comes to my town".

This Sunday night at Durham Performing Arts Center should be one of those times.

Radio 96.1

**photo courtesy of**

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