Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Addams Family! (snap! snap!)

The folks at the Durham Performing Arts Center know how to bring in the big guns.  They've been doing their SunTrust Broadway series for some time, but only this year did I get to enjoy some of the shows they've brought in.  Broadway shows aren't for everyone--but I have to admit, I love them.  A good song, a good dance, throw in occasional jazz hands, and I'm good.

Back in October, DPAC sponsored a trip for me and other media members in the Triangle to head up to New York City and see a few shows that would be coming to DPAC this spring.  The Addams Family was one of the shows we saw, in addition to being given the rock star treatment all over New York City.

 Here's my view of the stage from the audience:

Yeah, yeah.  I know it's just a pretty red curtain.  But Broadway sorta frowns upon taking flash photography in a dark house.  You know, because the performers can trip and fall.  And die.  Ok, maybe saying "die" is an over exaggeration.  But you get my drift.

The production on Broadway starred Brooke Shields. I kept thinking how cool it was to be a few rows away from someone I had been seeing on TV and in print ads my entire life!   I would have taken a picture of her, but I like not being kicked out of places, so I didn't.  I'll suffice it to say though, it was an awesome show. It was funny, visual, great for kids.  The premise is that Wednesday is all grown up!  And she likes a boy!  A (holy moly!)  normal boy!  Hijinks ensue.  Uncle Fester is the perfect comic foil.  There were people all over the audience, cracking up, and I was one of them.

I bring up the Addams Family now because it will debut next week at DPAC.  Tickets are still on sale, you can grab them now at DPAC's website.   The show runs February 28th-March 4.  Do yourself a favor: go see it.  It'll be fun.  Plus, it's real Broadway and you only have to go to Durham; you don't have to get on a plane, or rent a hotel room.

You know, you can even win a pair of tickets tomorrow on Radio 96.1.  Just listen for the Swag Bag.

And hey, folks at DPAC?  Any time you want to take me to NYC and treat me like a rock star, I am willing.


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